The only thing that possibly better than the T and A: introducing, T&H! Behold, t and a (tits and ass) has now become T and H. Tits and Hammocks. That's right. Baffled? Hope not. It's a simplified process of maintaining the anchor, the gold of T and A, the tits. Now hold on to the t and substitute the a for an h. Ass and Hammock sequentital, non-demominational, and complitely synonomous with one another. Plus, they are good friends, too. So hammock covers ass and what is left is the remainder, t's. Titties are good, but being accompanied by a swinging, zero-gravity love nest they rock. There is no doubt an oscillation in the hammock here and both benefits and magnifies the t's. No alcohol usually required to get laid is required since the hammock effect supplements.
-It's a good thing, T&H. Just don't fall in the rose bushes.
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